Beechwood - Where Roots Run Deep
BNC Provides Feedback on Rochester 2034
The Beechwood Neighborhood Coaltion has provided feedback on a draft of the City’s comprehensive plan: Rochester 2034. Click for our full letter.
Dear Dorraine,
The Beechwood Neighborhood Coalition Board would like to thank you for the incredible job you and your team did pulling together this draft of the Rochester 2034 comprehensive plan. We want to applaud the investment of time and energy you made in reaching out to so many groups for input as well as the care taken to synthesize that input into a document. We strongly believe that your process will lead to a durable and robust tool with substantial community buy-in. Individually, through a sub committee, and as the full governing body of our neighborhood coalition, we have spent considerable time and energy studying the 500 page draft plan, discussing the merits and our concerns, and weighing our input. We are grateful for the opportunity to share it with you….. Read the full letter here.
Like us on Facebook!
Beechwood now has it’s own Facebook Page!
This is where we get to showcase our neighborhood- our businesses, our history, our residents, our housing stock, etc. Basically, it’s a way to promote the heck out of Beechwood and let others know why we’re proud to live here!
We also continue to have our Facebook Group, which is a great place for us to discuss neighborhood ongoings, upcoming events, etc. It’s mainly for those already living here.
Just recently, we’ve created a Beechwood Nextdoor group as well!
The Beechwood Report
The Beechwood Neighborhood Coalition publishes a quarterly newsletter which helps keep neighborhood residents up-to-date on local events and ongoings.
Beechwood Report Winter-Spring 2017
Beechwood in The News
Pianos for Peace
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